Intercontinental Bienal

After our successful official presentation in museums in Colombia and Argentina and continuing with our global itinerary and our tour through South America, we announce presentation and exhibition in Brazil. The Biennial crosses continents with the best works and visual expressions of artists from over the world. Apply to our selection process and be part of our presentations and exhibitions over the world. To apply, choose your category, and send your application..


All participants agree to comply with the following considerations:

I). Open international call, open international call for new artists, editorial category. Projects from any country in the world can participate. Studios, agencies or companies from different parts of the world can participate. Independent professionals can also participate. Participants authorize the organization to publicly diffusion the images of the project respecting at all times the copyright.

II). Integral or specific editorial projects can participate. A minimum of one and a maximum of two projects will be presented. The participants will decide the number of projects to be presented.

III). All projects received will enter a selection process. The projects selected in the process will be certified and recognized by the Organizing Committee. The selected projects will participate in the Intercontinental Biennial exhibition whose presentations and exhibitions include countries from America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania.

IV). The selection of the artworks will be the responsibility of the organizing committee. Any objection provided for or not in the bases will be resolved by the Biennial definitively and without appeal.


Deadline: January 30; 2025

Announcement of selected projects : February 10, 2025

Announcement of Award-winner projects : March  10, 2025

Presentations & Exhibition: April 04 -April 12, 2025


Use the following form to send your projects. Please check the extension of your files before sending them through the form. If the project information between images and description exceeds 8MB you can send your project using any file transfer application Google DriveOneDrive Wetransfer or any other similar application and notify the email:


Enter your first and last name and email


In a document with extension: doc, docx or PDF, enter name of the study, the company or of the author ; description of your project (country, what it is about, characteristics).


Submit eight images» of your project. All images must be compressed in a rar or zip file.


Once the information has been received, you will receive a confirmation email. Please do not forget to add our email address to your address book to avoid that our communications reach your spam folder.

    Name/Lastname (*)


    Telephone (*)

    Project Descriptions: doc,docx,pdf (*)

    Project Images: zip,rar (*)

    (*)Campos Obligatorios

    Make sure to follow us, keep an eye out for our upcoming shows in Europe, Asia and Oceania.